Our Mission Statement

We commit to renewing our faith daily in the gospel of Jesus Christ through biblical teaching, prayer, consecration, and obedience to the Word of God.

We commit to servicing the needs of our local communities through mission-oriented programs and projects by the GO Missions Department.

We commit to going beyond our borders by supporting missions projects in countries all around the world and in conjuntion with COGIC World Missions (including our “Adopt-A-Child” program, church planting, student and missionary sponsorship).

We commit to the continued training and education of our local missionaries in preparation for cross-cultural ministry.

What is Missions?

Missions is the process of reaching groups of people with the Gospel of Jesus Christ who may not otherwise have access. This requires language-learning, cultural study, and relationship-building. Your support goes towards meeting tangible needs in the form of supplies, medical treatment, education, nutrition, and resources.

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GO Missions Projects

Democratic Republic of Congo (Central Africa)

Oasis Learning Center School – Sponsored by God’s Oasis for over 15 years including monthly financial support & 3 missions trips.

Dominican Republic (Caribbean)

Anderson and Anderson Memorial Christian Academy – Monthly financial support from each church in GL2 for over a decade.

Pastor Wyatt’s School – 160 children Adopted by God’s Oasis including monthly support for each student.

Republic of Mozambique (Southeast Africa)

Brian and Meghan Myers, World Venture – Monthly financial support from God’s Oasis to provide training to local Mozambicans to become medical doctors.

Giving Back Campaign (Local Outreach)

Working in conjunction with COGIC Youth and AIM Department we develop projects and programs to support our jurisdicitonal churches, pastors, and their membership to provide vital physical and financial services including church support, neighborhood clean-up, senior assistance, pastoral support and more.

Water Well Construction Partnership with Water4 (District of Kolwezi)

Water wells are under construction for the Oasis Learning Center in the Lualaba Province in the south of the Democratic Republic of the Congo. The water well will be at or near the school and will also serve the general population of 453,000.

Missionary Sponsorship Program (Haiti)

Missionary Dollie Milfort – Financial sponsorship for mission trips and periodic supplies for Haiti.